Help Save Pillsbury

Rescued Pug in Desperate Need of Medical Care

We need your help to save Pillsbury, a resilient pug who has endured unimaginable suffering as a stray in San Antonio. Pillsbury’s condition is heartbreaking. She has been starved, and her entire body is covered in bacterial and yeast infections. Additionally, she is infested with scabies mites and hookworms, and she suffers from an ear infection, dry eye, minimal vision, airway disease, and severe periodontal disease. She is in such poor condition that accurately estimating her age is challenging, but it appears she is somewhere between 5 and 10 years old.

Pillsbury is currently under the care of Westlake Animal Hospital, where she is receiving intensive treatment and round-the-clock care. However, her recovery will be a long and slow process due to the extent of her medical issues.

We are committed to providing her with the care and medications she needs to heal and regain her health, but we cannot do it alone.

Pillsbury's journey to recovery will not be easy, but with your support, we can give her a fighting chance. She has already shown incredible resilience, and together, we can ensure she receives the love and care she deserves.

Thank you for your compassion and for standing with us in this critical mission. Let's save Pillsbury and give her a second chance at a life filled with love, happiness, and good health.


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